Thursday, June 4, 2009

Every Site is Blocked!

  • How many times have you tried to look something up online at school to find that you can't-the site is blocked?

  • Why are so many web sites blocked? What's the point?

  • Should schools trust kids more or should they keep blocking this much?

  • What web sites (or kind of web sites) should NOT be blocked right now?


  1. Many times! And it is very frustrating. In NYC, I couldn't even access the NY Times!! THere needs to be more education for kids about the internet so they are aware of the dangers and the benefits!

  2. I would love to hear about schools that do not block sites. How are they doing it? What issues are they coming up with?

  3. I know that some of our local charters have pretty open internet access. I'd love to hear from them...

  4. I think it's good for websites like facebook to be blocked at school because many students would get on facebook and myspace if they weren't blocked. But I agree that it is extremely frustrating to not be able to look something up for a school project or paper because the certain website you need is blocked! I don't think the school's trust kids that much at all.
