Thursday, June 4, 2009

School Policies

  • What is your school doing about cyberbullying?

  • Is it a problem at your school?

  • What are the consequences for bullying another student online?

Teachers and Principals: How does the fear of internet abuse affect how often teachers use technology in their instruction?


  1. At the American School in Barcelona, I used an article about cyberbullying for a teen issues class to generate a debate for 13-14 year olds and these kids pretty much had no clue what I was talking about. (How wonderful!) They are aware of bullying as a Spanish teen committed suicide a couple of years ago due to the pressures of being bullied. However, the internet as a medium for bullying, had not yet caught on en masse. Probably just a matter of time though... :(

  2. Unfortunately, I dealt with it too often at the middle school level. Most often it started at home but would overflow into the school setting. Many times parents would seek our assistance but because of the nature of the bullying it was not within our jurisdiction. We would always strongly recommend seeking assistance through law enforcement and not underestimating the impact on their child.

  3. I watched the Top Six Ways to Kill Piper video and do not think that the girls who made the video should be punished by school. because every one should have a freespeach.
    they should teach kindergarteners how to be nice so when they grow up they shouldn't be able to make video like that video.
